How To Avoid Burnout

The last two years has proved to be one of the most unpredictable, anxiety-driven years which has caused many to get to a stage of burnout fueled by exhaustion, overthinking, overworking, lack of boundaries, and feeling like you need to right all of the wrongs that this year has thrown at us. Then 2021 came around with what feels like 2020 but with a wig on.

Anxiety Fatigue Is A Real Thing.

Your body is exhausted from all of the over-stimulation of news, social media, and feeling like you need to level up because everyone seems to be pressuring you to make lemonade out of lemons. 

Perhaps you are experiencing social comparison fatigue where you are measuring yourself against someone else’s ruler. If you are looking for a sign, this is it. Social media is a mirage. It’s not real life. Not a single person’s life on this planet earth is all smiles, happy relationships, body goals, perfect food vlogs, funny skits, motivational vibes. Many of us are processing and dealing with hardship that isn’t Instagram worthy, because well you don’t even have the energy to get yourself put together to share what’s going on. 

Whatever the case may be that has led you to a burnout state, here are 6 simple tips to help level you out. You can combine or even try 1 a day to help you reach zen. 



  • Here’s the thing, meditation isn’t easy. Quieting your mind takes skill. The mere fact of attempting to meditate however will help you reach a state of calm whereby you can remind yourself to have perspective about everything happening around you. Meditation also helps with your mindset and it has led me to one of the impactful thoughts of my life: It’s not happening to me, it’s happening for me.

  • How does one meditate? There are tons of techniques out there but one that worked for me is making an effort to start my day with a simple meditation or affirmation practice. Start with a guided meditation until you can work your way to a specific frequency instrumental that allows you to reach a deep meditative state.

  • As soon as you wake up, grab your headphones and play one of the many sounds on YouTube or Spotify for meditation, or a guided meditation for 10 minutes. I use this time to set my intentions for the day and the act of doing this puts the power on you for how the day will go. As opposed to waking up and scrolling through your phone. While it’s tempting to check messages, emails, and notifications, this will put your state in a reactive zone where you are allowing what’s on your phone to take priority over your state of mind.



Writing what I was feeling helped me talk myself out of unnecessary episodes of stress or anxiety. I began to ask myself, why I was feeling this way, what was triggering it. Taking the time to have an honest dialogue with yourself will help you understand your feelings and begin to take control of the actions that are causing stress or anxiety to begin with.



Studies show that a hot shower or a bath is a form of self-soothing. Imagine it like a big hug. We all need a hug from time to time and this will help you chill out, sans your phone and with your thoughts. Shower time is also a great time for idea generation, or recalling something you wished may have gone differently. Processing your emotions and then allowing the drain to take all of it away is incredibly therapeutic. 



No surprise here. I know the pandemic has made it very challenging for people to get to the gym or motivate them to work out at home but many times the reason why we are feeling low is due to being sedentary throughout the majority of the day. Working out releases endorphins which help us relieve body stress and mental anxiety. Getting motivated is one of the biggest hurdles. I recommend getting an accountability partner or joining a community that will help you stay focused. I really enjoy the JUMP program, its a mind and body wellness 30-day program to get you going again:



Set an alarm for 30 mins and do something that does not involve technology. Whether that be reading a book, painting or drawing, or simply laying on the floor staring at the ceiling. This forces you to take a break from the device that keeps you tethered to the outside world. I schedule 30-min no device breaks in my day so that I step away from my computer, give my eyes a break and allow my brain to stop going on autopilot. Have you heard of adult coloring books? Those are quite fun too! I have a free downloadable one for you here.



Surprised by this one? Do you sometimes feel like you are not in control of your time because situations, things, or people are always taking it away from you? If there is one piece of advice I wish I could have given myself years ago that would have saved me from so much stress and heartache is to set boundaries. Set boundaries with your time, energy, emotions, and even what you feel you need to spend money on. Do not allow people or situations to monopolize your time to a point where you aren’t able to set some time to focus on yourself. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Boundaries are a healthy way to remind people of how far they can push you and supports you to have more control in your own personal life.

It’s always the simplest of habits that are the most challenging to embark on. I know these times are challenging but know that you are not alone. Talk to someone, write, sing, dance, do something that focuses on you and only you.




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